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Dance In Joy

Movement Nature Ment

Dance in Joy® 


Dance In Joy® increases functional awareness and is based on the science of Neuroplasticity which is the ability of the brain and the nervous system to change structurally and functionally. Minimum 5 senior students to start a 2 or 4-week class series until student enrollment develops. Join an early morning class with a friend before your day of shopping.


Would you like to enjoy your favorite past time and move easily like a KID again? It's very important for my students to discover the internal difference each class can make. Participants develop the BEST skills through experientially learning techniques. My senior students and their caregivers notice a dramatic shift. No longer falling or looking down for reassurance; stability is recognized. My students learn the deep fundament benefit of balancing and weight-bearing in this seated class. When participants stand after a class they notice and feel supported and balanced in their hips and feet, therefore less falling occurs. 


As my students evolve in the classes, I introduced more movement variations and movement challenges. The movements can be playful or simple - designed to be performed seated in a chair. Almost anyone can do them, regardless of most physical conditions. Students needing special attention; balance, agility, neuropathy, etc.. This class shows quick results with continued class participation. Yes! student notice a great difference in their first class. Student appreciates the music and the added mix of organic playful moves with exercise techniques of Yoga, Tia Chi, Karate, Gym/Aerobics play and more. 

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